Anthony Holborne (ca.1545 - 1602)
The teares of the Muses (1599)
Alia Vox AV9813
CD Standard
Artistes / Performers
Hespèrion XXI,
Jordi Savall, Sophie Watillon, Eunice Brandao, Sergi Casademunt, Philippe Pierlot,
Lorenz Duftschmid, (violes de gambe)
Rolf Lislevand, Xavier Diaz, (luths)
Luca Guglielmi, (orgue & clavecin)
Pedro Estevan, (percussion)
Lieu d'enregistrement / Recording site:Collégiale du Château de Cardona (Catalogne / Catalunya)
Dates d'enregistrement:
Recording dates: May 01-05, 1999Durée totale / Total time: 66'13
"La musique en consort (serait) l' ancêtre de notre actuel concert (et) indique simplement que plusieurs instruments jouent ensemble, formant un full consort quand ils appartiennent tous à la même famille, celle des flûtes ou celle des violes, ou un broken consort quand ils réunissent instruments à cordes et instruments à vent, plus éventuellement quelque tambourin."
Histoire de la musique occidentale, Brigitte et Jean Massin, Fayard, 1985, p. 346
"Consort music (would be) the ancestor of our present day concert (and) refers simply to the fact that many instruments are playing together. They form a full consort when they belong to the same family of instruments, or a broken consort when the ensemble is made up of string instruments and wind instrumnets, to which eventually may be added a tambourine."
Histoire de la musique occidentale, Brigitte & Jean Massin, Fayard, 1985, p. 346
Évaluations recensées / Reviews located
#473 (09/2000)
#486 (11/2001)
# 25 (09/2000)
24:3 (01/02- 2001)
# 12 (08-10/2000)
Reviewers: G.Fenech
Gary S. Dalkin & Ian Lace
Vol. 6, no. 8 - (05/2001)
Click here
Monde de la Musique
# 246 - 09/2000American Record Guide
Anthony Holborne (ca.1545 - 1602)
Anthony Holborne (ca.1545 - 1602)
Extrait du livret / From the liner notes
"Anthony Holborne (c1545 ? - 1602) a été intimement lié au remarquable et florissant essor de l'art anglais, de la musique et des lettres de la cour de la Reine Elizazabeth Première. C'était l'époque de William Shakespeare, de Sir Philip Sidney, Edmund Spenser, Nicholas Hilliard et William Byrd, des noms dont on se souvient encore de nos jours. Holborne est indéniable-ment une figure de second plan en cette compagnie, mais sa musique était hautement respectée en son temps, et mérite d'être mieux connue aujourd'hui".
Tim CrawfordTraduction: Irène Bloc
(Extrait du livret accompagnant le CD)"Anthony Holborne (c1545 ? - 1602) was intimately involved in the remarkable flowering of English art, music and letters associated with the court of Queen Elizabeth I. This was the era of William Shakespeare, Sir Philip Sidney, Edmund Spenser, Nicholas Hilliard and William Byrd, names that are still remembered today. Holborne is admittedly a lesser figure in this company, but his music was greatly respected in his own time, and it deserves to be better known today".
Tim Crawford
(From the liner notes of the CD)
ARCHIVEReviewer: Julie-Anne Sadie
Abridged version-:
Hespèrion XXI "... approach these predominantly homophonic dances with a welcome mixture of poise and gentle wit. The pavans are sustained, their cadences delicately ornamented - most often by Savall himself or one of the lutenists; the galliards and almaines are sprightly, their syncopations set off by percussions. Nothing is exagerated, neither does the music suffer from an overabundance of melancholy (even in the inflections of the Image of Melancholy galliard) or jollity (in the Heigh-ho Holiday galliard), as is often the case in performances of this repertory. The repeats are varied and the cadences lightfooted and, indeed, elegantly executed"
Goldberg # 12
EvaluationGoldberg a cessé de publier
avec le # 54
Goldberg is no longer available.
# 54 was the last issue.Analyste: Brian Robins
Résumé ou abrégé:
Brian Robins nous livre une critique plutôt caustique de l'un des disques unanimement applaudi par la critique. Selon lui, ce disque aurait pu prétendre "... sans aucun doute au titre de meilleur disque de l'année", n'eut-été de ce que Robins considère comme un "sérieux problème" chez Savall. Ce que Robins reproche à Savall a trait à l'ajout "... de parties de percussion inexistantes dans l'original (en réalité plus qu'on ne pourrait le croire d'après la liste des plages)". Il ajoute: "Si je peux arriver à supporter certaines additions de percussion délicates de Pedro Estevan, son battement de tambour dans des pièces comme Infernum et The Funerals est absolument exaspérant." "... la musique est appauvrie par des effets grossiers et je suis étonné qu'un musicien de la sensibilité et de la taille de Savall ne se rende pas compte de ce fait."Reviewer: Brian Robins
Abridged version :
Brian Robins provides us with a rather vitriolic review of one the CDs that was rather unanimously acclaimed by other reviewers. According to Robins, this CD "... would ...have unquestionably been a contender for one the records of the year" had it not been for what he considers as "a serious problem" with Savall. His bone of contention has to do with Savall's addition of "... spurious percussion parts to many of the pieces (actually more than the track listings suggest). He adds: " While I can just about cope with some of Pedro Estevan's gentle percussion additions, his drumming in such pieces as the Infernum and The Funerals is maddening in the extreme." "... the music is diminished by such crude effects and I'm amazed that a musician of Savall's sensitivity and stature seems unaware of the fact."
EvaluationReviewer: Gerald Fenech
Original text
"The music is succinctly varied and makes interesting use of some very intriguing string effects occasionally punctuated by soft percussion and organ. The soft delicate sounds of Savall's viola da gamba ensemble is indeed soothing especially in the reflective 'The teares of the Muses' and the suggestive 'Image of Melancholy'. Funeral music was also an Elizabethan speciality and this is demonstrated in the evocative 'The Funerals', a mournful but stringent piece of music strangely reminiscent of Purcell's ubiquitous 'Queen Mary' music.""The sumptuous sounds of the Galliards are also a distinctive feature of this recording perfectly re-creating the effect of an Elizabethan courtroom. I am also particularly fond of Rolf Lislevand's masterly lute playing, here he is joined by the equally magnificent Xavier Diaz. Pedro Estevan's knowledgeable percussion playing is also one to die for. Add all these master instrumentalists to a splendid recording and the usual sumptuous Alia Vox presentation and you definitely have one of the early music CD's of the year."
Reviewer: Ian Lace
"It is always a pleasure to hear the refined yet exuberant playing of Jordi Savall's ensemble. This new album of music by Anthony Holborne does not disappoint. "
"The 25 numbers are sub-divided into six suites. For the slower pavans, Savall invests a melancholy dignity; while, for the brighter pieces, his players are alert to the lively and sometimes engagingly twisting rhythms. Overall, he brings out all the beautiful little felicities in this surprisingly complex and often delicately strained music. ""Unhesitatingly recommended "
Reviewer: Gary Dalkin
"While volume I of Hesperion XXI's survey of Elizabethan consort music covered the repertoire of various composers, this second disc is devoted entirely to the music of Anthony Holborne. As usual for Alia Vox, this is a beautifully presented, digipacked album. When, coincidental with the release of the disc, I spoke to the leader of Hesperion XXI Jordi Savall for Classical Music on the Web, he talked about many aspects of his music, including his concern for good presentation. His pursuit of artistic beauty communicated strongly, and is fulfilled here on many levels, from choice of repertoire, through performance, recorded sound and physical presentation. Savall considers it an artistic obligation to serve often forgotten composers well, and he has done so here. "
"... this is an immaculately performed recording which probably leaves no middle ground. One either loves what Jordi Savall does, or it leaves one cold. As such, this is a mannered, stylised presentation, perhaps as much late 20th century romantic fantasy of the age of Shakespeare as anything more authentic. It is also utterly lovely. There is a detached yet paradoxically warm beauty here which enchants the more one listens. With many of the 25 tracks simply called pavan, galliard or almaine, sometimes with a subtitle, sometimes not, and with the overall sound uniform throughout, it takes some time to become acclimatised to the various pieces. Once one has, this disc reveals itself to be thoughtfully programmed in a balanced selection of melodies which range from the sprightly, the charming galliard which is track 8, to the sombre pavan 'The Image of Melancholly', part of the Elizabethan 'cult of melancholy'. Those additional instruments which transform the consort into a mixed or broken consort are employed with taste and subtly, though some may find the drum which introduces the almaine, 'The Choice' intrusive."
"Teares of the Muses is one of those albums which will sell itself"
Monde de la Musique
# 246 - 09/2000Appréciation
EvaluationAnalyste: Pablo Galonce
«Tout au long de sa discographie, Jordi Savall a contribué, plus qu’aucun autre interprète… à montrer la beauté de la musique élisabéthaine, que ce soit en soliste ou à la tête d’un consort de violes. Ce nouvel enregistrement vient encore compléter notre vision d’un univers sonore dont lui seul semble posséder la clé. »
« Dans ces danses « à danser » ou « à écouter » - on ignore si cette musique était réellement destinée à être dansée -, Savall use d’un raffinement suprême, combinant une plénitude sonore frappante avec un enivrant sens du rythme. Aussi délicatement phrasés, ces morceaux apparemment simples deviennent du coup des chefs-d’œuvre en miniature, des miracles de grâce. »
Reviewer: Pablo Galone
“All along his recording career, Jordi Savall has contributed, more than any other musician…, to demonstrating the beauty of Elizabethan music, either as a soloist or as a leader of a consort of gambas. This … recording further adds to our vision of a musical universe of which he alone seems to be the sole master.”
“In the dances intended “ to be danced” or “to be listened to” - we do not know if this music was actually composed as dance music – Savall is extremely refined, offering a strikingly full-bodied sound with an exhilarating sense of rhythm. “These pieces, apparently simple, are presented in such a delicate fashion that they become miniature masterpieces, miracles of grace.”American Record Guide
07/2001Reviewer: John W. Barker
"Savall has selected 25 items, predominantly but not exclusively serious, and including only a few of the most often played ones. He has chosen to perform these mostly with a whole consort of gambas, with such sensitive contribution from lutes and organ, and even, in select cases, from discreet percussion. These may not be the most colorful or sensational renditions to be had, but they are elegant and stylish ones, warmly recorded -- an ideal survey of Holborne's ensemble writing."
La musique / The music
Bona Speranza (Pavan)
The teares of the Muses (Galliard)
The Choise (Almaine)
Heigh ho holiday (Galliard)II
Infernum (Pavan)
The night watch (Almaine)
Lullabie (Galliard)
The image of Melancholly (Pavan)
Ecce quam bonum (Galliard)
Sic semper soleo (Galliard)V
Decrevi (Pavan)
My selfe (Galliard)VI
Paradizo (Pavan)
The Sighes (Galliard)
The Honie-suckle (Almaine)
The Fairie-round (Galliard)VII
The Funerals (Pavan)
The fruit of love (Almaine)
As it fell on a holie Eve (Galliard)
Autres références disponibles via la base de données de Todd McComb/ Other available references via Todd McComb's database:
Re: AV9813
Articles fort intéressants à propos de la viole de gambe:
"La vie après la mort ~ La viole de gambe au XVIIIème siècle"
par Peter Holman
Paru dans: Goldberg, # 42 (Octobre 2006, pp. 48-58)
Autres sections d'intérêt sur ce site:
Other topics of interest on this site:
Harmonia Mundi / Gold - Appréciations
Goldberg Magazine - 1998-2008 - Les 50 meilleurs cd de la décennie
Harmonia Mundi / Gold - The critics' point of view
Goldberg Magazine - 1998-2008 - The 50 best cds of the decade
Date de création de cette fiche: 4 avril 2006
Dernière mise à jour de cette fiche:
This page was first published on: April 4, 2006
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To order / Commander
Alia Vox AV9813
Code-barres/Barcode: 7619986098135
*La viole de gambe
Parutions récentesViola da gamba
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