Johan Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Les six concertos brandebourgeois BWV 1046-1051
The six Brandenburg concertos BWV 1046-1051
Réédition / Reissued
Alia Vox AVSA9871 (2 CD)
Code-barres/Barcode : 7619986398716
Édition remasterisée
Remastered edition
Super Audio CD
Artistes / Performers :
Le Concert des Nations,
La Capella Reial de Catalunya,
Dir. Jordi Savall
Lieu d'enregistrement / Recording site: Palazzo Giusti del Giardino, Padoue (Padua)
Dates d'enregistrement: Mars 1991
Recording dates: March 1991Durée totale / Total time: 97'30"
Édition originale
Original recording
Astrée - 8737Réédition - Reissue
Naïve - 9948
Évaluations recensées / Reviews located
# 377 (12/1991)
(voir ci-dessous)
Goldberg # 7 (05/1998)
(voir ci-dessous)Classics
By: John Greene
Re: Alia Vox AVSA9871
# 118 (12/2009 - 01/2009)
(voir ci-dessous)
Vol 31:4 (03/04-2008)
(see below)
Review by: --David Hurwitz
Re: Naïve 9948
Review by: Steven Ritter
ClassiqueInfo Disque
Par: Laurent Marty
Extrait du livret / From the liner notes
Rien n’est simple, dès que l’on veut cerner les circonstances historiques qui entourent la composition des œuvres de Bach. Il a fallu, des décennies durant, les travaux de musicologues de haut vol, leurs rigoureuses recherches et leurs intuitions subtiles, pour pouvoir disposer aujourd’hui d’informations plus précises, démêlées de l’écheveau touffu de menus indices patiemment récoltés. La vie assez obscure d’un fabricant de musique saxon n’avait pas eu de quoi provoquer en son temps le grand concert de publicité qui accompagna ses contemporains Haendel ou Rameau, et l’intéressé lui-même n’a guère fait qui puisse nous aider, ne laissant que fort peu de traces de sa vie terrestre, correspondance, dates ou témoignages écrits ...
Poursuivez votre lecture - texte intégral
AVSA9871- Cliquez ici
As soon as we try to track down the historical circumstances surrounding the composition of Bach’s works, our problems begin. Thanks to decades of painstaking research and the subtle intuition of leading musicologists, today we have more detailed information unravelled from the tangled web of small clues that have been patiently gathered. The rather obscure life of a music maker from Saxony did not give rise in his own day to the great chorus of publicity which surrounded his contemporaries Handel and Rameau, and he himself did not do much to make our task easier, since he left very few traces of his daily life in the form of correspondence, dates or written accounts...
Read on - Full text
AVSA9871- Click here
Reviewer: Nicholas Anderson
Abridged version-:
"When I wrote about Jordi Sava11's recording of Bach's Orchestral Suites I noted that although the performances were not without their rough edges I nevertheless found myself deriving plenty of enjoyment from them. This applies equally to his new recording of the six Brandenburg Concertos in which, as before Sava11's chamber ensemble Le Concert des Nations joins with the forces of La Capella Reial de Catalunya. Sava11 himself is best known as a stylish, often passionate viola da gamba player; these are qualities he brings to his direction, too, with performances that are effectively phrased, rhythmically lively and which savour the uniquely varied colours of Bach's tonal palette. Where I am less happy, though, is in Sava11's overall command of his forces which sound at times not wholly under control. Ensemble, as I implied in my opening sentence, is not always all that it should be and tuning is variable; but, as he does in the Suites Sava11 brings this music to life in an infectious way with readings that are full of character and pulsating with life."
"For freshness of approach and vitality this new set takes its place among the present leaders in the period-instrument field; yet I cannot recommend it without a qualification since I was aware on too many occasions of poor tuning and rough ensemble. In a word, the set lacks finesse. Yet the strongest features here make me warmly disposed towards it and I shall want to hear Concertos Nos. 1, 4 and 5, in particular, on many subsequent occasions. There is no lack of character in these interpretations and I applaud them, above all else perhaps for that. Clear recorded sound and documentation in five languages."
Reviewer: George Chien
"On a recent vacation abroad I happened to pick up Jordi Savall’s Brandenburg set with Le Concert des Nations. It had received an ecstatic encomium in these pages after I had gone off the Brandenburg beat, and I had never heard it. Recorded by Auvidi, it is now available on Astrée’s Naïve label*, and it is simply superb. Buy either Pinnock or the Savall—or all three. You’ll find ample rewards in any or all."
*`: Astrée ES 9948 (now reissued by Alia Vox AVSA 9871)
Goldberg # 7
Mai/ May 1998
EvaluationGoldberg a cessé de publier
avec le # 54
Goldberg is no longer available.
# 54 was the last issue.Analyste: Josep Pascual
Texte original:
En mars 1991, Savall s'entoura d'une poignée d'excellents musiciens pour enregistrer une version des Concerts Brandebourgeois, qui est sans aucun doute une de plus à ajouter à la liste énorme de registres de ces six oeuvres maîtresses. La vitalité et cette spontanéité si chère à Savall trouve une complicité dans la magnifique collaboration avec Fabio Biondi. Et le merveilleux lyrisme de l'adagio du premier concert trouve dans Alfredo Bernardini un excellent soliste, complètement éloigné des parfois excessives rusticités d'autres lectures avec instruments originaux, ainsi que du doucereux des interprétations plus conventionnelles. Ces concerts, dans les mains de Savall et de ses collaborateurs enthousiastes (aux habituels comme Josep Borràs s'ajoutent des noms aussi connus que Pierre et Marc Hantaï ou Angelo Bartoletti), se transforment en des compositions vivantes et lumineuses dans lesquelles la rigueur et le soin pour signaler la trame richissime contrepointiste (très brillant sous cet aspect, le troisième concert) se joignent à une vision globale d'un grand sens analytique. La clarté est méridienne, et le naturel avec lequel jaillit la musique est étonnant, dans ses oeuvres parfois confuses, techniquement parlant (dans l'accordage des instruments à vent par exemple, ou dans l'équilibre dynamique). Une grande version.
Reviewer: Josep Pascual
Original text:
"In March 1991, Savall surrounded himself with a handfull of excellent musicians to make a recording of the Brandenburg Concertos. The resulting version is far more than just another addition to the huge list of recordings of these six masterpieces. The vitality and the spontaneity that are so dear to Savall find an accomplice in the magnificent work of Fabio Biondi., whilst the marvelous lyricism of the adagio in the first concerto is enhanced by Alfredo Bernardini's solo performance of matchless sensitivity, a far remove from the occasionally excessive coarseness of othervrenditions on original instruments, and equally distant from the tweeness of more conventional versions. In the hands of Savall and his enthusiastic team (habitual collaborators like Josep Borràs are joined here by such well-known performers as Pierre and Marc Hantaï and Angelo Bartoletti), the concertos become vivacious and luminous compositions. Not only is great care taken to emphasize the enormously rich contrapuntal patterns (the third concerto is magnificent in this respect), but the whole work is treated with analytical precision. With dazzling clarity, the music pours forth in a fashion that is amzingly natural for works which can be technically so intricate (one thinks of the tuning of the wind instruments, for instance, or the maintenance of dynamic equilibrium). A great version.
Classica no. 118
(12/2008 - 01/2009)
Un Bach amoureux
"Si la non-insularité de Jordi Savall (Naïve, 1990) ne fait aucun doute, son enregistrement impressionne par sa "solennité", son "caractère véritablement orchestral" (PD), son "opulence sonore" (PV), sa "densité" (ET), même si le tempo retenu pose des questions (ET). Dans l’Air, cette allure tranquille, "conduite à la croche" (PV), et le mutisme du clavecin se montrent "propices à l’introspection" (PV), évoquent "Giulini" (PD) et installent "une véritable émotion, sans pathétisme ni dolorisme, dans un esprit de consort" (ET). Le pas parfois un peu lourd dans les gavottes, le "jarret plus tendu" dans la bourrée, "pétaradant" dans la gigue (PV), cette version "parvient à danser malgré une battue longue" (ET), séduit "par sa matière sonore" et ce Bach "amoureux de la vie" (PD)".
La musique / The music
CD 1
Concerto I, en Fa Majeur, BWV 1046
1. [Allegro]
2. Adagio
3. Allegro
4. Menuetto & Trio ; Polacca & Trio
Concerto II, en Fa Majeur, BWV 1047
5. [Allegro]
6. Andante
7. Allegro assai
Concerto III, en Sol Majeur, BWV 1048
8. [Allegro]
9. Adagio
10. AllegroCD 2
Concerto IV, en Sol Majeur, BWV 1049
1. Allegro
2. Andante
3. Presto
Concerto V, en Ré Majeur, BWV 1050
4. Allegro
5. Affettuoso
6. Allegro
Concerto VI, en Si Bémol Majeur, BWV 1051
7. [Allegro]
8. Adagio ma non tanto
9. AllegroAutres références disponibles via la base de données de Todd McComb/ Other available references via Todd McComb's database:
Re: Astrée E 8737
Autres sections d'intérêt sur ce site:
Other topics of interest on this site:
Harmonia Mundi / Gold - Appréciations
Goldberg Magazine - 1998-2008 - Les 50 meilleurs cd de la décennie
Harmonia Mundi / Gold - The critics' point of view
Goldberg Magazine - 1998-2008 - The 50 best cds of the decade
Date de création de cette fiche: 08/09/2011
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01/28/22To order / Commander
Réédition / Reissued
Alia Vox AVSA9871
Code-barres/Barcode : 7619986398716
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