Istanbul ~ Dimitrie Cantemir (1673-1723)
Le livre de la Science de la Musique
The Book of the Science of Music
  Raices & Memoria, vol. IX  

Édition originale/Original recording
Alia Vox AVSA9870
Code barre / Barcode : 7619986398709


Artistes / Performers :
Hespèrion XXI et musiciens invités
Hespèrion XXI and invited musicians

Lieu d'enregistrement / Recording site:  Collégiale de Cardona

Dates d'enregistrement:  02/2009
Recording dates02/2009

Durée totale / Total time: 73'03


ESTAMBUL. Dimitrie Cantemir:
"El libro de la ciencia de la música"
 - Concierto de Jordi Savall




Appréciation (s) / Review(s)

Opus Haute Définition
(Français & English)

# 575
(voir ci-dessous)


 # 118 -
(12/2009 - 01/2010)
(voir ci-dessous)

BBC Music Magazine

(see below)

Par: Christophe Huss

Chronique de: Camille de Joyeuse -  16/12/2009

Par: Matthias Lange

Reviewer: Steven Ritter

Dimitrie Cantemir (1673-1723)

Dimitrie Cantemir (1673-1723)


Extrait du livret / From the liner notes


"Le livre de la Science de la Musique"

Au carrefour des deux continents européen et asiatique, ISTANBUL pour les Ottomans, CONSTANTINOPLE pour les Byzantins, est déjà à l’époque de Dimitrie Cantemir (1673-1723) un véritable haut lieu de l’histoire, malgré le souvenir et la présence très évidente de l’ancienne Byzance, elle est devenue le véritable cœur du monde religieux et culturel musulman. Mélange extraordinaire de peuples et de religions elle attire toujours des nombreux voyageurs et artistes européens, Cantemir y débarqua en 1693, à l’âge de 20 ans, d’abord comme otage, puis comme représentant diplomatique de son père qui gouvernait la Moldavie. Il devint un interprète fameux de tanbur, sorte de luth à long manche, et fût aussi un compositeur hautement apprécié pour son ouvrage Kitâb-ül ilm-il mûsikî (Le Livre de la Science de la Musique) qu’il dédia au sultan Ahmed III (1703-1730).

Tel est le contexte historique sur lequel prend forme notre projet sur « Le Livre de la Science de la Musique de Dimitrie Cantemir et les traditions musicales séfarades et arméniennes ». Nous voulons présenter les musiques instrumentales « savantes » de la cour ottomane du XVIIe siècle, provenant de l’œuvre de Cantemir, en dialogue et alternance avec les musiques « traditionnelles » du peuple, représentées ici par les traditions orales des musiciens arméniens et celles des communautés séfarades accueillies, suite à leur expulsion du Royaume d’Espagne, dans des villes de l’empire ottoman comme Istanbul ou Smyrne.



Edinburgh, Août 2009

Pour lire la suite - cliquez ici



"The Book of the Science of Music"


At the time of Dimitrie Cantemir (1673-1723), the city which stands at the crossroads of the continents of Europe and Asia, ISTANBUL for the Ottomans and CONSTANTINOPLE for the Byzantines, already marked a veritable high point in history. Despite the memory and very palpable presence of the old Byzantium, it had become the true heart of the Muslim religious and cultural world. An extraordinary melting-pot of peoples and religions, the city has always been a magnet for European travellers and artists. Cantemir arrived in the city in 1693, aged 20, initially as a hostage and later as a diplomatic envoy of his father, the ruler of Moldavia. He became famous as a virtuoso of the tanbur, a kind of long-necked lute, and was also a highly-regarded composer, thanks to his work Kitab-i ilm-i musiki (The Book of the Science of Music), which he dedicated to Sultan Ahmed III (1703-1730).


Such is the historical context of our project on “Dimitrie Cantemir’s The Book of the Science of Music and the Sephardic and Armenian musical traditions”. We aim to present the “cultivated” instrumental music of the 17th century Ottoman court, as preserved in Cantemir’s work, in dialogue and alternating with “traditional” popular music, represented here by the oral traditions of Armenian musicians and the music of the Sephardic communities who had settled in the Ottoman empire in cities such as Istanbul and Izmir after their expulsion from Spain.



Edinburgh, August 2009 

Translated by Jacqueline Minett

Read on...  Click here

Vol. 33:6 (Jul/Aug 2010)


Reviewer: Jerome F. Weber
Abridged version-: 

"Jordi Savall’s continued interest in Mediterranean traditions brings him to Sephardic and Armenian music centered in Istanbul and an author who wrote The Book of the Science of Music, a volume that he discovered as he was preparing his earlier program Orient–Occident. Dimitrie Cantemir (1673–1723) had two brief spells as Prince of Moldavia but is better known as a leading intellectual of Eastern Europe and the only one with a reputation known in the West. His interesting background and career, told in the notes, need not be summarized here, but he grew up at the Sultan’s court while his father and brother were successive princes of Moldavia under the Sultan’s protection. Succeeding as prince, he transferred his allegiance to the tsar with disastrous results and spent his last 12 years in exile in Russia. His book contains 355 works, including nine of his own compositions, all notated in a system of his own devising. Seven works on this disc are makam taken from this source, another seven tracks are improvised preludes to each of them, and the remaining seven tracks are devoted to Sephardic and Armenian selections, the former drawn from Isaac Levy’s modern editions. Four other makam from the same book were heard in Orient–Occident."

While such an extended concert of unfamiliar and exotic instrumental music can be off-putting, repeated hearings become mesmerizing. The booklet identifies three separate groups of players for Turkish, Armenian, and Sephardic repertoire, but members of Hespèrion XXI are included in all three groups... The 196-page booklet is lavish in its display of art and manuscripts of the period, photos of the performers, and the covers of the ensemble’s previous productions. The surround sound adds to the appeal of the production. Few labels are turning out such lavish albums as consistently and regularly as Savall’s own."






Reviewer: Fabrice Fitch 
On tour in Istanbul, Jordi Savall was given a copy of the first modern edition of a music collection assembled by Dimitrie Cantemir (1672-1723), a Moldavian nobleman who spent 23 years there as an exile. A fascinating polymath, Cantemir played the tanbur, a plucked string instrument, and devised a notation system with which to transcribe the music from the many different cultures that co-existed in the Ottoman capital, thus providing the only written evidence of an orally transmitted repertory. In this exclusively instrumental programme, Savall's regular troupe is joined by Armenian, Greek, Israeli, Moroccan, and Turkish musicians. This is crossover in the most "authentic" sense, if you will.

As Savall notes himself, these makam encompass a range of rhythmic patterns that, though not unknown, were largely unused in the Western classical tradition of the time: 14/4, 1018, even 48/4. The result is a very polished, sophisticated sound world largely lacking the exuberance that one might expect, at least on occasion, from such repertories; but that in itself is a cue to the listener (or to this listener, at any rate) that our expectation of non-Western musics are easily confounded. Of the project's worth there's no doubt, and Savall's many fans will doubtless be willing to follow him wherever he goes. They should be aware, however, that i t leaves the realm of early music behind.

Diapason- 575




Analyste: Roger Tellart
"Jordi Savall et Hespèrion XXI avaient déjà eu un premier contact heureux avec cette tradition du makâm dans l'album "Orient-Occident" (c.f. n
º 538).
 Rencontre tout aussi réussie aujourd'hui..."
"À multiplier les concerts sur les thèmes chers aux diasporas (amour,exil), Savall s'est fait bien des complices chez les musiciens méditerranéens."
"Le résultat est un bonheur sonore de tous les instants, qui culmine dans l'urgence poétique des makâms (ceux de la plage 8, à la fois subtil et insistant, et de la plage 11). On souhaite une belle carrière à ce nouveau produit de l'atelier savallien, toujours inventif, toujours motivé..."
Classica- # 118
(12/2009 - 01/2010)




Analyste: Eric Taver
Texte intégral:


"Voilà donc que Jordi Savall et ses compagnons d'Hespèrion XXI ont mélangé leus talents de joueurs de vièles, lyres,flûtes,luths et percussions à un aéropage choisi de musiciens turcs,arméniens et méditerranéens pour faire revivre des musiques instrumentales qu'on pouvait donner dans l'Istanbul des alentours de 1700..."
"Ce disque hors catégorie, dont Jordi Savall a signé la conception musicale, est un pur chef-d'oeuvre, qui s'inscrit parfaitement dans le parcours musical du Catalan, fait de rencontres et de passions, qui ravira donc les amateurs de musique "classique", mais qui étonnera aussi les connaisseurs de musiques ottomanes tant il renouvelle (le) genre..."
Poursuivez votre lecture -
Texte intégral: "Turkish Délices" 

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