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American Record Guide: (01/2018) 
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Reviewer: David W. Moore

Cardinals Pamphili and Ottoboni were in charge in Rome at the turn of the 16 and 1700s. This recording gives publicity to the surprising number of composer-cellists that worked for them. The best-known today is probably Giovanni Bononcini (1670-1747) whose Sonata in A minor was written after he left Rome. It and the Sinfonia in D by Giovanni Battista Costanzi (1704-78) are the most musically advanced works played here, though that is not meant to degrade the rest, all of which are entertaining to hear—and mostly unavailable elsewhere. Giovanni Lorenzo Lulier (1669-1700) appears to be the earliest. He worked with Corelli in the orchestra at San Luigi. We have no solo cello music by him, but he did write a cantata, ‘Amor di che tu vuoi’ for soprano, cello obbligato and basso continuo, here transcribed for two cellos and continuo, a lovely piece. On his early death, he was succeeded by Filippo Amadei (1690-1730), whose Cello Sonata in D minor is included here. Nicola Francesco Haym (1678-1729) wrote one in A minor and E minor, also played here. More prolific cello-composers are Giuseppe Maria Perroni, who lived until 1737 and wrote unpublished sonatas in A and D, both included here. Pietro Giuseppe Gaetano Boni (1686-c.1741) published a collection of 12 sonatas, Opus 1 in 1717 dedicated to Cardinal Ottoboni, two of which are played here: 8 in C and 9 in G minor. All of these short but snappy works are played with tonal beauty and accuracy by Ceccato and colleagues. The only pieces previously encountered are the ones by Boni. Eight from Op.1 were recorded by Andrea Fossa and friends (Dynamic 584, J/A 2009), including the two recorded here. The rest of this program is new to disc and well played and recorded.


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