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GRAMOPHONE (07/2024)
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Reviewer :
Fabrice Fitch

Robert de Visée was the foremost guitarist and lutenist at the court of Louis XIV and a member of the Sun King’s Chambre du Roi, which performed for the monarch’s private enjoyment. That sense of intimacy comes across very strongly in this marvellous, generous recital. While some of de Visée’s works survive in versions for both lute and guitar, these pieces are taken from a lute manuscript, and the selection that Jakob Lindberg has assembled focuses exclusively on the theorbo (bass lute, also known as chitarrone). There are three formally designated suites and a selection of pieces grouped by key, which includes de Visée’s arrangements of pieces by Couperin, Purcell and Lully as well as his beautiful lament in memory of two of his children.


On paper, this is straightforward music, often consisting of no more than two lines with occasional chordal fillings-in, but Lindberg’s theorbo has such a commanding presence that one is simply enthralled – especially when tuned a tone lower than modern pitch, following the practice at the French court: the depth and timbre of its lowest courses must be heard to be believed. Lindberg has always written very movingly of his rapport with his lutes (only recall the recordings he devoted to Weiss, on which he played a restored 18th-century instrument; here he plays a modern replica of a 17th-century instrument he has had for nearly 50 years), and his playing brings out the very best in them: a wonderful top line, very sparing but judicious vibrato and, again, bass notes to die for. The sprightly dance pieces are charming and deftly executed but in the slow movements (such as the G minor Sarabande or the C minor Plainte) the symbiosis between player and instrument hints at a Platonic ideal. This is deeply intelligent and sensitive playing; I urge you to hear it.

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