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GRAMOPHONE (05/2024)
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Reviewer :
Mark Seow


In the booklet notes, Leonidas Kavakos is clearly keen for us to know that he has experimented with playing on a Baroque bow. He recalls how the cellist Natalia Gutman encouraged him to explore Bach with an 18th-century copy, and how 'everything began taking shape' - indeed, he found his 'voice in Bach with it'. And though Kavakos uses a classical Tourte model bow in this recording, you can hear the fruits of these experiences: the playing is abundant with fine micro-gestures and speech-like articulation. I much prefer these results over other 'modern' violinists who use a period bow for Bach, yielding no palpable difference, but it's a fine line. There are moments of 'translation' - for lack of a better term - that are unsettling. Take the opening movement to the Concerto in A minor, BWV1041, which is a vigorous and highly enjoyable interpretation (the tempo is excellently judged). Emphatic agogics soon get in the way, and in trying to translate such Baroque gestures for a modern bow, the level of ensemble suffers.


The clarity and vibrancy of sound is fabulous - there's punch and dance, buckets of rigour and flair. But again, swings and roundabouts: with such brightness of melodic tuning, intonation is an occasional problem (the sequence starting at 4'29" in the opening movement of the reconstructed Concerto in D minor, BWV1052R, for example, needn't be so sour). It's strange how some truly classy playing can sit so close to the unaffecting.

The Andante of the Concerto in A minor fails to move me (other than to frustration). In its closin phrase - surely one of the most beautiful in Western classical music,- Kavakos anticipates the subdominant with premature sweetness, and so that moment of sunshine emerging through the clouds doestn't quite land. There is a laborious amount of portato  reaching unbearable heights from the five-minute mark. Unfortunately , no aqmount of heavy breathing can disguise the lack of a truly long musical line. Kavakos then further dities the water with un-notetad scales: this join-the-dot-prtactice registers more as an embarrassing get-out-of-Baroque-jail-free card than as ornementation.



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