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GRAMOPHONE (11/2020)
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Reviewer: David Vickers

Francesc Valls spent most of his career in Barcelona. His late Missa Regalis (1740) is a five-voice contrapuntal Mass composed for King John V of Portugal. Extraordinary sequences of dissonant suspensions and harmonic invention (‘Qui tollis’) and a profoundly beautiful ‘Crucifixus’ exemplify the technical precision, shaded sonorities and articulate polyphonic detail achieved by the Choir of Keble College, Oxford – also qualities contributed by Joseph Crouch (bass violin), Inga Klaucke (dulcian) and Edward Higginbottom (organ). Director Matthew Martin plays the large fourmanual organ of St John’s College, Oxford, in several tiento pieces by earlier Spanish Baroque composers Francisco Correa de Arauxo and Juan Cabanilles. At only just over 40 minutes, the album is not generously filled – but Valls’s Mass is fascinating and the music-making is top-notch.


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